Iowa Hill Finally Gets Telephone, Still No Electricity

IOWA HILL, CA – 134 years after the telephone was invented, the tiny mountain community of Iowa Hill finally got a dial tone this week.

“It’s a big deal,” said Cathy Morgan, 72, who lives two miles outside the center of town and was active in getting land-line service to the isolated community. Cell phone service is spotty, and Morgan’s husband died in 2006 because she couldn’t get a signal.

A $2.5 million grant from California Public Utilities Commission paid for a microwave link and underground wiring. Sebastian, which provides telephone service to nearby Foresthill, will serve the residents of Iowa Hill.

The Iowa Hill Volunteer Fire Department was holding a fundraiser at the People’s Park Saturday from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. Sebastian representatives said they would be at the park to sign up customers and sell telephone handsets.

But after going so long without land-line service, some residents said they were happy to continue doing so. Al Gatt, 70, said he has good wireless reception at his home. “I like my cell phone,” he said. Others said they would order land-line service if only for internet access.

While Gatt spoke in front of the Iowa Hill store, the low hum of a generator could be heard out back. Iowa Hill now has a dial tone, but it still has no electric service.

Although Morgan was anxious to get a telephone, she said she has no need for outside electricity. Solar panels, batteries and generators provide power to the roughly 200 full-time residents.

Electricity would just bring more people,Morgan said.


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4 comments on “Iowa Hill Finally Gets Telephone, Still No Electricity
  1. TheHostile says:

    When my history teacher told our class of this small town I was thinking that a town without the many things I have is in need of help. Now I read the actual article and believe that it is me who needs the saving from towns like these of technology.


  2. samhenry says:

    OK – it’s Iowa in California, LOL. Sorry but now you know how I feel about Iowa.

    As for California, they don’t need any more gentrification of remote mountain villages.


  3. samhenry says:

    I have a brother who lives in Iowa, his wife’s family home state. I am not surprised at this “update” story. When I am there looking out across vast stretches of farmland or prairie, I feel so happy that not all land is fouled with urban spread. The large equipment reminds me of STAR WARS!

    AND I love the simplicity of their lives there and a sense of true values.


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