Coup D’etat: Pentagon & Obama Declare Congress Ceremonial

Congressman Jones introduces bill that would subject Panetta & Obama to impeachment

by Paul Joseph Watson

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta’s testimony asserting that the United Nations and NATO have supreme authority over the actions of the United States military, words which effectively declare Congress a ceremonial relic, have prompted Congressman Walter Jones to introduce a resolution that re-affirms such behavior as an “impeachable high crime and misdemeanor” under the Constitution.

During a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing yesterday, Panetta and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey brazenly admitted that their authority comes not from the U.S. Constitution, but that the United States is subservient to and takes its marching orders from the United Nations and NATO, international bodies over which the American people have no democratic influence.

Panetta was asked by Senator Jeff Sessions, “We spend our time worrying about the U.N., the Arab League, NATO and too little time, in my opinion, worrying about the elected representatives of the United States. As you go forward, will you consult with the United States Congress?”

The Defense Secretary responded “You know, our goal would be to seek international permission. And we would come to the Congress and inform you and determine how best to approach this, whether or not we would want to get permission from the Congress.”

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4 comments on “Coup D’etat: Pentagon & Obama Declare Congress Ceremonial
  1. […] Coup D’etat: Pentagon & Obama Declare Congress Ceremonial ( Share this:EmailFacebookTwitterLinkedInStumbleUponDiggRedditTumblrPrintLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. This entry was posted in Barack Obama, Congress, Constitution, Freedom, Gun Control, Impeachment, Nuclear, Obama, Obama and Islam, Politics, United Nations, US Constitution and tagged Act of Congress, BarackObama, Congress, Leon Panetta, NATO, Obama, Tom Tancredo, United Nations, United States Senate Committee on Armed Services, Walter B. Jones by Kasey Jachim. Bookmark the permalink. […]


  2. DarcsFalcon says:

    Saying that we are not a sovereign nation … them’s fightin’ words! Panetta ought to know better!


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