Dianne Feinstein declares war on Bill of Rights, calls for American citizens to be disarmed or registered

Mike Adams
Natural News

US Senator Dianne Feinstein introduced her highly-anticipated gun disarmament legislation yesterday, throwing her hat in the ring as an outright traitor to the United States Constitution and a dangerous tyrant who seeks to hand the federal government a firearms monopoly. The bill would criminalize nearly all semi-automatic rifles, shotguns and handguns while calling for nationwide gun registration of all existing firearms. It would also criminalize citizens buying ammo magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, even while the government can purchase ammo magazines of unlimited capacity.

This is red alert time for all Americans who seek to save this nation from falling into the hands of outright tyrants.

How does the federal government plan to enforce these new gun control laws, if passed? Using GUNS, of course! The threat of force is what’s used to gain your “compliance” with everything the government does.

As you can easily see, America is under attack from within. Its domestic enemies are now abundantly clear: All those who are actively working against the Second Amendment of the US Bill of Rights are, by definition, enemies of America and subject to arrest and prosecution. Natural News calls for a “line in the sand” defense of our natural-born rights, including the right to keep and bear arms.

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"There is no Left or Right. There is only Tyranny and Freedom."

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Posted in freedom, tyranny
4 comments on “Dianne Feinstein declares war on Bill of Rights, calls for American citizens to be disarmed or registered
  1. This woman and her beliefs to render the common citizens impotent against possible internal govt tyranny is exactly why we need guns. Not to protect ourselves from other gun owners but to protect ourselves from people like her. She more dangerous to liberty than dangerous guns.


  2. Reblogged this on 2nd Amendment, Shooting & Firearms Blog and commented:
    Lets face it this lady (being nice) is against any law abiding American having a gun, she supports confiscation similar to what haened in Australia and every gun owner in the USA needs to understand that’s what her proposed legislation would lead to ultimately. EVERY GUN OWNER needs to JOIN the NRA NOW!


  3. gds44 says:

    Reblogged this on Gds44's Blog.


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Just look at us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality and governments destroy freedom.

Michael Ellner

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A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
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