Your Government Is Collapsing!!

If this doesn’t give you pause as to what is going on and coming out of Washington, then stick your heads back in the sand. But remember this; when your head is in the sand your ass is completely exposed! And then may God help us all!

received via email from: Carl D’Agostino

video h/t to: 19460cars

"There is no Left or Right. There is only Tyranny and Freedom."

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Posted in america, freedom, new world order, police state, politics, survival, tyranny
5 comments on “Your Government Is Collapsing!!
  1. I have been referred to your sight by Carl D’Agostino who forwarded to you the above video that I had sent him. I am also the author of the above introduction, and I’m worried as hell as to the state of this once great nation. I’m looking forward to reading your blog on a regular basis and passing it on to like minded individuals. God Bless America.


    • Thanks for passing along that video. I’m worried about the direction this country is going in too. Hopefully, it’s not too late to turn things around.

      Thanks for the follow!



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  3. boudicabpi says:

    Reblogged this on BPI reblog and commented:
    Your Government Is Collapsing!!


  4. dangoor says:

    The United States Government is not collapsing, it going through some growing pains; after all it is only an infant by historical measure.
    Two contiguous failing, and divisive Presidents will hurt, but that pain will do away, either in 2014, or 2018, a very short time by historical measure.
    America is its people, and its people are uniquely strong, as is its constitution. Yes, we are suffering both economically, and from divisiveness, but we shall overcome. Yes indeed the Obama Administration continues to trample the constitution using some of the tools that were put in place by George W. Bush. The tools, most importantly the Patriots Act were put in due to “security need,” but to be temporary, yet Obama expanded them, contrary to his promises.
    Yes, we indeed have problems, but the Government is not collapsing and the United States is strong, and will remain strong for many, many years to come.


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Just look at us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality and governments destroy freedom.

Michael Ellner

If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.

George Washington

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
I'm Gonna Kick Your Ass!
The United States has been declared under martial law. All constitutional rights have been suspended. Anyone interfering with the collection of urine samples will be shot. Anyone failing to attend morning school prayer will be shot. The number one enemy of progress is questions. National security is more important than individual rights. Sports broadcasts will proceed as scheduled. Shut up, be happy, obey all orders without question. At last everything is done for you.

Jello Biafra

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