Obama Flies to Alaska to Push Global Warming Propaganda – Then Orders New Icebreaker

You just can’t make this stuff up…

You just can’t make this stuff up…

The US sent a Coast Guard icebreaker to Antarctica in 2014 to help free a Russian ship. (Business Insider)

Barack Obama traveled to Alaska this week to speak out on global warming junk science. The president told supporters global warming climate change was the single most important issue shaping the 21st century.

Then, later in the day, he asked Congress to build a new arctic icebreaker.

FOX News reported:

President Obama will ask Congress Tuesday to speed up the construction of new icebreaker ships in order to protect U.S. interests and resources in the Arctic, amid growing concern that the U.S. has ceded influence to Russia in the strategic waters.
The proposals will be made on the second day of Obama’s three-day trip to Alaska, during which the president has focused largely on climate change. The president’s agenda called for him to travel to Seward, Alaska, where he planned to hike to Exit Glacier and tour Kenai Fjords National Park by boat.
Concerns about Russia’s activities in the Arctic have grown after Moscow submitted a claim to the United Nations Aug. 5 for 463,000 square miles of the Arctic sea shelf, extending more than 350 nautical miles from the country’s shore. The Arctic is believed to hold up to 25 percent of the world’s untapped oil and gas supplies, and the U.S., Russia, and Canada are among the nations trying to assert their jurisdiction over the region.

via: Gateway Pundit

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