Angela Merkel says Europe must take MORE refugees and Islam ‘isn’t source of terror’

Angela Merkel and her migrant army.

The embattled leader says Europe has an obligation to take displaced people from Syria and Iraq.

She also said Islam “is not the cause of terrorism” and that combating extremism needs the cooperation of Muslim countries.

In a wide-ranging speech at a Munich security conference, the German chief also vowed to work closely with Vladimir Putin’s Russia in the fight with ISIS in the Middle East.

Source: Angela Merkel says Europe must take MORE refugees and Islam ‘isn’t source of terror’


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6 comments on “Angela Merkel says Europe must take MORE refugees and Islam ‘isn’t source of terror’
  1. Someone better rush this Broad to the psycho ward

    Liked by 1 person

  2. 1EarthUnited says:

    Reblogged this on 1EarthUnited and commented:
    Funny i don’t see Merkel opening up her precious apartment to refugees, which she had occupied for many years (Kurpfergraben 6, 10117, Berlin Deutschland). What a horrible puppet for the globalist regime!


  3. dangoordan says:

    Is Mekel out of her mind? Islam by its own definition from the Koran is a source of terror. Why should Europe take in more refugees while the Muslim countries stanf on the sidelines and feed money those who participate in terror activities?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. marblenecltr says:

    And she has a Ph.D. from a German university!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. futuret says:

    Comment deleted: Not relevant to post.


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